Thursday, March 19, 2009


i need rest. badddd. waking up is horrrrribly hard these days. i just want to be able to sleep an entire night through without waking up for various reasons and noises.

and i should stop traveling and drinking.

starting...2 more months. when i feel like things will start to calm down a little. or not...

i am out for dinner and drinks tomorrow and that's ALL i plan on doing this weekend. then travel for a 1 1/2 weeks.

one of my best friends is coming to visit me again! yay! so at the end of may, angelika will be here for 1 1/2 weeks for a short visit. i am mass excited for this. every single time she visits it's like picking up where we left off. it never feels awkward and i love it. the picture is from the last time she was here visiting.

i also bought a few items from patagonia the following are pictures of nearly everything i wrote about today!


GrayBabyOracle said...

I keep waking up multiple times every night lately myself. It's no fun!

Dropped At Birth said...

no kidding, right?! it's like the worst thing ever. and now i've gotten pneumonia due to "exhaustion" and am on meds--and still traveling haha. oh well. i'll take it slightly easy and maybe the end of next week i will call out sick--if i'm still feeling under the weather and rest up abit before april gets into full swing!