Wednesday, June 17, 2009

wonderful news!

i'm getting married!!!

yes. that's right. married. me.

haha. just kidding.

but i do have even better news than that. i was offered a promotion today! yay!

so i will still be doing what i do, but basically have added responsibilities. because of this promotion, i will basically be traveling to washington dc every couple of months. i'm excited for the opportunity--just not so much for the traveling. but i will say, one of the best parts of living in the east coast--is the relatively easy distance between large metro areas.

i am definitely going to have to do some sightseeing! i still have yet to make it to tour dc so yay!


GrayBabyOracle said...

Congratulations on the promotion and the fake marriage.

Heather K said...

Congratulations too on the food baby.

No really Congrats hugely on the promotion. And it gave me a genius idea. We should meet up in DC and go sight seeing together!!

Dropped At Birth said...

thanks cv!

heather--you're on! i can provide the hotel!!!