Tuesday, August 5, 2008

it cracks me up...

when people insist on arguing and/or defending a point that is clearly fallacious on so many levels, fail to realize the enormity of scope and then proceed to offend and defend the ignorant opinion that they have decided is "fact."

on another note. i'm feeling more and more excited about the move. i'm very stoked.

also, i had pierogis for the first time. i purchased a small box of "potato and garlic" ones. errr...maybe it was just a bad company that made it or a bad mix or whatever--but i wasn't terribly impressed. it was like mashed potates wrapped in thick wonton wrap. and if that's the case--i prefer the asian versions of dimsum and stuff. but i can admit that i might be biased.


Heather K said...

First off, you want pierogies, you come out here to Chicago and I will get you some pierogies.

Second, from a package?! It depends on who is making the package, or it is like eating one of those dry noodle packets and assuming all thai food must be like that or something.

Thirs, did you have sour cream with them? Sour cream very important for pierogies. I am not sure why, but melty butter and sour cream make pierogies TOTALLY aweo=some.

Dropped At Birth said...

but heather...that IS what all thai food is like...

i'm not really a fan of sour cream--and i only have butter around when i'm making spaghetti for dinner--cause then i make garlic bread too--so that amounts to about twice a year when i have butter in the fridge.

Anonymous said...

I wonder if there's a pierogi stand somewhere in your area.