Saturday, August 2, 2008

rude awakenings

so the other night...i went to bed. no covers since it's so bloody hot here and felt a tickle on the small of my back. i was asleep, but awake enough to feel the tickle and awake enough to move my hand there to scratch my back...only...

once my hand got there, i realized it wasn't a tickle from the fan. it was a bug, which woke me right up. i swatted, jumped up and turned on the light. i can say i've never woken up quite so quickly and quite so fiercely before.

but the very disturbing fact that woke me up wasn't that it was a bug...but that what i felt, was a HUGE bug. so, blind as a bat, with the lights on, i look for my taped up glasses and look around, knowing that it was lurking somewhere...slightly hurt.

i start moving things around, fearfully, and still quite dazed with sleep. i grabbed my pillows, thinking, maybe it's lurking there...unfortunately. i was right.

it flew out and i was able to confirm the size of the thing that was making itself comfortable on my back. i have no clue what the hell it was still. but it flew. it had the wings of a moth--but the body of a grasshopper. and it was 2 inches long. that's sizable man. big, beady eyes. sentient. staring at me. i proceeded to figure out how to get rid of it without getting close and without screaming at 2am. i finally worked up the nerve to bundle my right hand up in toilet paper--grabbed it, wrapped it up and squished it. i know. i know. but even that freaked me out.

i hate bugs. i understand they play some role in the greater scheme of things, but i still hate them. i especially hate being woken up to one parked on the small of my back.

anyhow. i was still freaked out at the size of the thing, so i kept my light on and tried to go to sleep. at 4am i realized, i am not going to be able to fall asleep with my lights on. it makes it hotter and brighter (imagine that).

anyhow, after that i felt sufficiently safe to sleep enough to turn off my lights. promptly fell asleep cause i was dead tired. and hour later....

i felt a tickle on my leg. smacked it. and no. it wasn't the breeze again. it was a fairly large mosquito or bug of some sort. but after the earlier scare, well, a smaller version just didn't freak me out quite so much--but...

enough to call an end to sleep for the day. i decided to get some packing done instead.


on another note: i caved and hired movers. :) i'm actually pretty happy with it. i think i'd have died trying to move my stuff myself--and it's not like i have all that much. i really don't, but the month is already going to be pretty stressful, there's no need to add what doesn't need to be added, right?


GrayBabyOracle said...

I'm with you on bugs. The greater scheme would matter to me if I was an eternal being, but since I'm not, I'll freak out and crush them or otherwise get them to leave me alone.

Dropped At Birth said...

that's funny. i think i would have less care if i was an eternal being. i'd look at that bug and be like "what!"