Tuesday, April 28, 2009

life changes

i feel like i should do a lot of things towards securing a more stable future for myself. as if the economy isn't enough of a worry there's now swine flu. i was so busy glaring at the pigeons flying around me that i overlooked george clooney's former pet.

damn it.

i am going out and buying myself one of those hospital masks in the next couple of days. my roommate tripped in coughing something fierce yesterday night and i left this morning for my 3 day trek to the hamptons. so hopefully when i get back she isn't a mess all over the place and at least quarantines herself in her room a little. so i think sometime in the next few weeks i'm going to create a living will sort of thing. i actually now have assets to protect--imagine that!

anyhow, looking forward to a few movies. as intelligent as i am, i'm not so pretentious as to claim to only watch foreign flicks or whatever. i LOVE summer blockbusters. lovem--the more action, the better. hey, i was raised on foreign kung fu flicks!

--star trek
--terminator salvation
--harry potter and the half blood prince
--angels and demons
--transformers revenge of the fallen

so i am basically going to be spending my entire summer at the theatre--or at least--the VERY HOT days. there's usually 3 times where there are 3 day stretches of interminably hot i-want-to-shoot-myself-and-everyone-else weather here in nyc.

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