Thursday, April 23, 2009

so many things to look forward to...

and yet something out there is pissing me off to no end.

but here are the things i get to look forward to!

1. going home tomorrow after a week away!
2. dinner and a movie or a free concert tomorrow night
3. picking up my GLASSES!!!! :))))) tomorrow night
4. the end of a goal cycle this month which means a good chunk of money by mid-may...which comes just in time for...
5. angelika coming to visit from the 22nd of may to the 31st!!!!!!

not looking forward to:

1. hamptons on monday
2. short feeling weekends
3. nyc summers
4. diets that need to happen
5. being more aggressive with my savings and really trying the suze orman "live on half your income" diet. but i'm determined to really do this. and that's hard to do living here in nyc!


GrayBabyOracle said...

I wish you luck on your financial goal. I should probably be smart and do something similar, but I have this aversion to having a future.

Dropped At Birth said...

i just really believe, as bleak as it sounds, that this world is just going to get rougher and tougher...and though i try not to dwell on it--i feel like i should be as prepared as possible!