Thursday, April 9, 2009

so excited!

it's going to sound totally stupid, but i'm SO EXCITED because i finally stepped up to the plate...and MADE AN EYE APPOINTMENT. it's been LONG overdue. i broke my glasses and then lost them about 8 months ago and have been wearing my LAST pair of monthly contact lenses for A YEAR NOW. it's stupid i know. because honestly it's not like i didn't have the money or whatnot...i just couldn't be bothered until now. so my own fault. but i'm stoked. totally stoked. i'm so freakin excited. so tomorrow i am headed to pearle vision and there is a bogo going on for glasses! so if i lose or break one--i will have an extra pair (of equal or lesser value) as backup. TOTALLY STOKED.

i'm also happy for other reasons. i do wish i could have gone to san francisco though.

i am hoping to catch some movies this weekend as well...

still haven't seen:

--monsters vs aliens
--i love you man
--dragonball evolution (comes out tomorrow)


i have also decided to start a little blurb that poses as advice giving--but really is more for my own amusement--though the advice given will really be what i believe! they will hopefully be short answers to perhaps complicated issues. the issues might range from the obscure to mundane--afterall, even obscure problems deserve answers.

for example:

question: i'm a guy and i just found out that the person i fell in love with is actually a dude. does that mean i'm gay?

answer: maybe dude. have sex to find out and let me know.


GrayBabyOracle said...

I liked I Love You, Man. I haven't seen the others, so go see all of those and tell me if they're worthwhile.

I always wait until I'm down to my last pair of contacts to make an eye appointment (with no backup glasses, since none seem to rest on my nose right). I'm on my last pair now, but I have an appointment on Wednesday. The bad news is I think my prescription may change, as I think my vision has been worsening lately.

I look forward to your advice.

Dropped At Birth said...

my vision has been the same since 7th grade which always surprises me.

i didn't get a chance to go see annnny of them. i will have to do that this coming weekend!